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Stop Smoking with hypnosis and meditative healing

Phil Chave
Phil Chave
creator of Distant Healer

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STOP Smoking Today! Find Freedom from Smoking and Quit for Good

Quit Smoking the Easy Way & Free Yourself from Smoking, Right Now! Discover a richer, healthier more attractive you!

Want to quit smoking but worried about the cravings and the constant need for a cigarette in your hand?
Order your Stop Smoking Now CD today

Order your CD or MP3 in the United Kingdom

The Stop Smoking Now CD available today!
CD Price: £6.95 inc. P&P to the UK
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MP3 Price: £2.49 INSTANT DOWNLOAD! International MP3 orders also use this button
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International CD orders: please use the buttons on the left to purchase the CD with your chosen currency. Thank you.

This CD is a super will-power boosting technique that will help you to quit smoking for good, without the cravings and without the anxiety of normal withdrawal.

If you've read this far, then the chances are you're already thinking about stopping smoking. You've probably got lots of reasons to stop smoking; a new baby in the family, older children, general health decline, a cough, bad breath, the cost, discoloured teeth and fingers, your partner, the countrywide ban on smoking in public places.

Your not alone. There are plenty of reasons to quit and the latest research shows that 7 out of 10 smokers say they want to stop. Thousands of people have found hypnosis and meditation to be an effective way to stop smoking, lose weight, and otherwise improve their lives. Why not give it a try?

Can parental smoking influence their children?
Yes, according to a new study into twelve-year-olds whose parents smoked. These children are more than twice as likely to begin smoking over the next ten years than children whose parents didn't use tobacco. So yes parents, we are at least partially to blame for our children smoking.

Karl Hill, director of the University of Washington's Seattle Social Development Project, said, regarding the findings, "Parental smoking is the biggest contributor to children initiating smoking".

"Keeping children from smoking starts with parents and their behavior. Some parents say they disapprove of teenage smoking, but continue to smoke themselves. The evidence is clear from this study that if parents don't want their children to start smoking, it is important for them to stop or reduce their own smoking," Hill said.

Since study after study shows that cigarette smoking is the primary cause of preventable illness and premature death in the UK, the USA and the rest of the world, accounting for 100,000 deaths annually in the UK, 440,000 in the USA, and 6 million worldwide, don't we owe it to our children to set them a primary parental example?

If we are not able to teach our kids that smoking is bad, then their favourite rock band, hollywood, TV soap stars and street hoodlums will teach them otherwise. They will get their influence from you, or they will get it from elsewhere, but be sure, they will get it from somewhere.

Stop Smoking the Easy Way CD.  Quit Smoking Today! Written and read by Philip Chave

Nothing to Fear, and Everything to Gain
By stopping smoking you can reverse most of the health issues associated with smoking and within 20 minutes of stopping you will start to feel the positive effect on your health. Just take a minute to look at this 'time since giving up' against 'beneficial health changes' and see if you think it's worth it:
  • 20 minutes - Blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal
  • 8 hours - Nicotine and carbon monoxide (the poisonous gases in cigarette smoke) levels in the blood are halved and oxygen levels in the blood return to normal
  • 24 hours - Carbon monoxide is eliminated from the body and lungs start to clear out the mucus and other smoking debris
  • 48 hours - No nicotine left in the body and the ability to taste and smell is greatly improved
  • 72 hours - Breathing becomes easier, bronchial tubes begin to relax and energy levels increase
  • 2-12 weeks - Blood circulation improves, making walking and running a lot easier
  • 3-9 months - Coughs, wheezing and breathing problems improve as lung function is increased by up to 10%
  • 1 year - Risk of heart attack falls to about half that of a smoker
  • 10 years - Risk of lung cancer falls to half that of a smoker
  • 15 years - Risk of heart attack falls to the same as someone who has never smoked
There are many forms of addiction, that affect peoples lives. Addictions such as drugs, alcohol, shopping, gambling, playing computer games, the internet, too much TV, food and SMS texting. All forms of addiction are on the increase, but, with the exceptions of drugs and alcohol, few do as much physical damage to the body as smoking.

One of the most successful ways to deal with addictions of all kinds is through the use of guided imagery. This is the approach that I use here on the Stop Smoking Now! CD.

Addictions are the body responding to something missing in our lives. We're not getting our needs met elsewhere, and hence the body is not in a state of balance with its environment. Our 'need circuits' are out of balance and out of control, and these become caught in their own cycles of pain and pleasure, requiring continual stimulation and satisfaction.

Thus, when the effect of the cigarette wears off, for example, we need to boost the body's need for more of the same chemical hit to reach satisfaction, irrespective of whether the substance is doing us harm or not.

We become conditioned into believing that the addictive substance, or act, does wonderful things for us because of how the addiction makes us feel. This is why we become dependant on it; because our needs are not being met in other areas.

What guided imagery does for us is rewire that conditioning, by rehearsing changing the positive associations and expectations of the addiction with negative ones. So in alcohol addiction, for example; instead of thinking alcohol makes us more confident, we associate it with nausea, loss of control, hangovers or embarassing moments.

Then, conversely, the guided imagery is used to create positive expectations and associations about NOT using the substance, so that stopping using the substance is attractive and beneficial to us in some way that encourages us to focus our pleasure circuitry in another direction.

What are the health consequences of smoking?
Health and healing are not things that come from outside; they are things that originate from within us. The body wants to be healthy, it is a natural state to be healthy. A smokers cough is the body's way of shedding the deposits that accumulate in the lungs when we smoke.

A smokers blood carries far less oxygen than it should, and far more poisonous chemicals. This affects the cells ability to grow and repair. Therefore they send out the signal that they need more nutrient, more oxygen, and you gasp for breath in a desperate attempt to satisfy the demands of the body for oxygen.

When you deny the body its needs, it looks for other sources. When it can't find them, it starts to redefine what it calls healthy and whole, and slowly begins to atrophy in all areas.

Pretty soon, running is out of the question, climbing stairs tires you out, the skin ages prematurely, blood vessels narrow and shrink, setting us up for senile dementia and other cerebral incidents, our sexual energy declines and indeed, many people become impotent, muscles start to ache, which affects the joints, and again the cycle of slowing down the exercise regimes causes us to fall out of condition.

If any of this is true for you, and you know smoking had something to do with it, order your Stop Smoking Now! CD today, and do something about it!

CD Price: £6.95 inc. P&P
MP3 Price: £2.49 with INSTANT DOWNLOAD!

The TOP Reasons For Quitting Smoking - What's Your Motivation To Stop?
  • Heart Attack: Primary reason to quit
  • Lung Cancer: Primary reason to quit
  • Emphysema and other lung diseases
  • Stroke: Smoking known to increase risk
  • Loss of a Parent: Children left alone
  • Wrinkles: Smoking ages the skin prematurely
  • Lung Damage: Smoking causes physical damage
  • Cell Damage: Carcinogens build up in cells
  • Loss of Control: Hopelessness can set in
  • Waste Build Up: Toxin stays in the body
  • Lack of Energy: low oxygen causes exhaustion
  • Brain Damage: Brain gets starved of oxygen
  • Olfactory Damage: Sense of smell reduced
  • Walking: Soon gasping for breath
  • Peptic Ulcer: Toxin in saliva causes intestinal damage
  • Gum Disease: Often results in tooth decay
  • Morning Cough: Sooner or later becomes evident
  • Climbing Stairs: Phew! Where's the escalator?
  • Mouth Ulcers: Chemical irritants in smoke
  • Painful Periods: Smoking increases likelihood
  • Early Menopause: Ditto
  • Skin Discolouration: Starved of oxygen and nutrient
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Maternal smoking doubles risk
  • Erectile Dysfunction: Increased risk of impotence
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: Genes + smoking = increased risk
  • Colon Cancers: Smoking links known to exist
  • Colic: Smoking increases babies risk
  • Acid Reflux: Smoking linked to heartburn
  • Sense of Taste: Lost by smoke saturation and concentration
  • Lupus: Smoking produces risk of this autoimmune disease
  • Depression: Higher risks for young people
  • Blindness: Smoking raises risk of Age-Related Macular Degeneration
  • Snoring: Smoking increases likelihood
  • Alzheimer's Disease: Smoking speeds up mental decline
  • Breast Cancer: Smoking plays bigger role than thought
7 out of 10 smokers say they want to quit. That's 8.4 million of the estimated 12 million UK smokers. If you're one of them, give yourself the best chance. Order your Stop Smoking Now! CD today!

How to Order Your CD Online or Through the Post
Stop Smoking NOW CD The CD costs £6.95, postage paid, or the equivalent, worldwide. That's less than the price of 1 UK prescription and a lot less than the cost of 1 therapy treatment at your local spa. Yet, you can use this technique as often as you need too.

Alternatively, send your UK cheque (made payable to "Philip Chave") or cash payment, to: Mr P Chave, The Haven Healing Centre, Draycott Rd, Cheddar, Somerset BS27 3RU.

If you do send cash, please wrap it up in a padded envelope in several layers of paper so that it is not viewable through the envelope. I will not be responsible for cash lost in the post, but it shouldn't be a problem if you take sensible precautions to conceal it.
Don't forget to include, the CD/DVD/MP3 title you are ordering and your return address. Thank You.

SAVE A MASSIVE £36,000 IN TEN YEARS at 20 cigarettes a day!!! How much could you save? Assuming an average price of £10.00 a packet.
Wow! How about this? 1 Day 1 Wk 1 Mth 6 Mths 1 Yr 5 Yrs 10 Yrs
  Cost of Smoking 20
  Cigarettes Per Day
£10.00 £70.00 £280.00 £1,680.00 £3,640.00 £18,200.00 £36,400.00
  Stop Smoking Now!
  CD Cost Per Day
£6.95 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00

Just some thoughts about smoking
1.) Smoking is an enormously high risk factor for cardio-vascular disease. The nicotine in cigarettes has a very strong constrictive effect on the blood vessels, making them temporarily narrower which interferes with blood circulation throughout the body.

In addition, this phenomenon has an additive effect with other risk factors such as an unhealthy diet and ups the risks of heart attacks and strokes. Constricted blood supply also handicaps the male erection, often resulting in impotence, and the female libido, both of which require that the sex organs enjoy a rich supply of blood.

2.)There is an irony about smoking that I have observed; would you like to hear it?
Most of us start smoking when we're young because we think it looks cool and grown up. Well, we really are grown up now and the first thing you realize when you're grown up is, smoking is blooming childish.
It's time to pack it in!
- What do you think?


Note 2: Whilst this CD has proved very effective for many people, you have to want what you wish to achieve with relaxation meditation, really, really want it. You have to be motivated and willing to work with it, not just pretending or hoping that this meditation CD will do it for you. If you are motivated and believe you can do it, you will do it! The important thing is not to give up! Building up small, but measurable successes, helps the body to make permanent changes. I recommend persistent use of this CD. For optimum results please try to listen to your CD everyday for a minimum of 30 days. Try to be as consistent as possible in order that you might achieve your goals. - Phil

Note 3: Copyright Notice. All material produced by The Haven Healing Centre and the Distant Healer Home Therapist Series is protected by copyright law. You may make one backup copy of your CD or MP3 for your own personal use. You may not otherwise reproduce, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, or create derivative works of this material, unless authorized by The Haven Healing Centre. Thank you for your understanding.

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Copyright  ©  Philip Chave 2003-www.distanthealer.co.uk -- www.thehavenhealingcentre.co.uk  All rights reserved.
DISCLAIMER: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.

The Haven Healing Centre is located at: The Orchard, Draycott Rd, Cheddar, Somerset, BS27 3RU